Play To Earn
While the game does have a free to play option, the real emphasis behind MECH.GAME is to provide a fun to play, engaging online game that allows players to earn potential resources that will have real monetary value due to an open economic system and demand from other players - “Play-and-Earn”.
This is the big angle for the game that players love. The ability to play a game and earn money in the form of tokens just for playing the game. Additional play to earn functionalities will be rolled out over time, but the main one is: playing the game, beating the missions and either earning $MECH and $CREDITS tokens directly in addition to Experience points. . Tokens can then be used for in-game purchases or sold on a third party exchange.
Other ways players can earn money:
Selling NFT’s on the marketplace
Renting/leasing Core NFTs to other players through the marketplace
Finding or winning NFT’s in game levels then using or selling the NFT.
Winning prizes or revenue share by owning a genesis NFT.
Play To Earn Requirements
In order to participate in the play to earn economy a player must own or rent/lease the following:
Combat Mech NFT (Genesis mech or Gen2 mech)
For Players renting their Mech NFT's out they will require a Stronghold NFT and a Leasing office (for more than 5 rented mechs)
Last updated