Future Collections
As mentioned above, as the games are rolled out and the MECH.GAME mechaverse evolves, more NFT collections will be rolled out. A few upcoming collections you can look forward too are:
Land Collection - This will be the collection that allows you to own "Land" minted as an NFT in the Mech.Game ecosystem. Land will allow for greater expansion inside the game as well as new creation and earning opportunities for players.
Stealth Collection - This is a limited edition collection of specialty “units” that only a few lucky players will have the ability to own. The release of this collection will be a surprise and the actual “units” will blow people away.
Specialty Items Collections - As the game grows and evolves we will release a variety of specalty item collections to expand the gameplay. These collections can include things like new weapons, components, tech, armor, upgrades, buildings and more.
There are MANY more NFT collections that will be released to support and expand the gameplay and to give players more opportunities to improve their game performance and earnings.
Last updated