Forging & Crafting
Player-Created Content (PCC) is a key element to the Mech.Game ecosystem. Players will be able to craft, forge and create unique NFTs to customize their experience in the game.
From purely cosmetic items like skins, to crafting new weapons, all the way to forging an entirely new mech, the game provides the tools the player needs to not only make, but also profit from their creations.
Over time, as the game progresses players will be able to forge all kinds of items in the game including new mechs, weapons, armor, equipment, skins and more, however initially the only type of forging that will be available is the creation of new Mechs.
Forging Gen 2 Mechs
After the initial Genesis Collection of 10,000 mechs, the only way new mechs are introduced to the game is through forging. All newly created mechs are classified as "gen 2" mechs. Forging is a critical aspect of the Mech.Game ecosystem as it is the primary driver of new player growth as well as a source of revenue for both the game and the players.
A limited number of each generation of MECHS will be available, after they have concluded the following generation of new MECHS will begin (Gen 3, Gen4)
At launch for a limited time the forging of a Gen2 MECH will only be available to those who hold a Genesis MECH. This increases utility and adds value to long term holders and is one of the many benefits of owning a Genesis MECH.
Gen 2 Mech Forging Requirements:
Player must own a Genesis Mech NFT
Player must own a Stronghold with Forge Module
Mech Blueprint NFT (Will be burned/used)
CREDITS (Will be burned) (Amount will be a variable amount based on total circulation of CREDITS at any one time)
$MECH Tokens 100% will go to back into treasury
$USDT as Forge Fuel and Blueprint NFT's (amount will start as 20 USDT and 10USDT at launch and will be adjusted as needed) from the USDT portion 50% will be used to fund development, 25% for liquidity and 25% back to P2E Working treasury.
Combining the above components will build/craft a new Gen 2 Mech NFT. It takes 24hours for a Gen 2 mech to be built and become game ready.
Gen 2 Mech Specifics
Forging specifics like chances of rarity, model or game stats will be released once the forging program goes live in the game.
Population Control
While we want to encourage player to constantly forge new mechs, uncontrolled population growth can lead to a saturation in the market supply and hurt NFT floor prices and the in game economy.
Blueprints will be released at strategic percentages of the current MECH population. The percentage will be calculated each week to control over/under population.
The way of obtaining Blueprints will be through Leaderboards, In-game store, the peer to peer marketplace and through supply crates.
Forging Other Items
While at launch the only forgeable items will be Gen2 MECHS, in the future players will have the ability for forge weapons, upgrade items, strongholds and modules to name just a few.
Last updated